Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Stupidity of New Year's Resolutions

Another year has come and I bet you idiots all made stupid New Year’s Resolutions, didn’t you?  I’ve never really been a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions.  I don’t make them and I think the whole practice is completely stupid.  Every year I see more and more people make these ridiculous resolutions and fail miserably.  I’m all for setting goals in your life, I’m totally behind making goals and trying to obtain them but let’s make them realistic.  Most New Year’s Resolutions are so unreachable that you just want to point and laugh at the absurdity of person that’s reciting them to you.  “I’m going to go to the gym five days a week for the entire year,” says the two hundred and fifty pound woman who gets out of breath walking up four stairs.  How about the borderline alcoholic who states that this is the year where, “he only drinks one night a week,”  then the weekend after New Year’s he’s drunk for the entire duration.  Smooth, real smooth!

I’m just saying, let’s not make these outrageous resolutions and instead make more obtainable goals.  Start of by saying I’m going to hit the gym 2 to 3 times a week.  I’m going to cut down drinking to only Friday’s and Saturday’s and vice versa.  Then revisit your goals one to two months later.  New Year’s resolutions are usually so broad and unattainable that once you fail, you immediately give up and are done until the next Dec. 31st.  Why do we have to have resolutions only on Dec. 31st?  How bout we have what I call resolutions – goals – every couple of months?  Seems like a better option than yelling out drunken dreams once a year.  Maybe it’s me but it’s time to stop with the New Year’s resolutions and time to start the monthly goals!

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