Monday, January 31, 2011

When You Can't Trust Someone....MOVE ON!

When is enough, enough?  No I’m talking about the snow again, though on a side note big storm tomorrow that will last two days.  Yippeee!!!  I’m actually talking about relationships and fighting.  When is it too much to deal with and time to give up?  I have a friend who’s been seeing a girl for about 4 to 5 years.  It’s 4 to 5 because there was a brief time of about 8 months where they were sort of separated.  I say sort of because she was seeing someone else but still banging my buddy.  Anyway, these two people fought so much that both were walking on eggshells 85% of the time they were together.  Neither of them trusted each other and I can’t tell you how many times both of them were “done” but got back together the next day.  It was almost comical.  My buddy would come over and talk to my wife and I for 5 hours about how much he hated her and how he was done, then two days later they’d be together like nothing happened.  It was a relationship that was so sad it became funny and that we all behind their back would take bets on if the upcoming weekend they’d be together or apart.

I guess the biggest issue in their relationship was trust.  They couldn’t trust each other and it constantly was an issue.  If you don’t have trust in a relationship, you mine as well call it quits because it’s never going to work.  These two had so many trust issues it was insane.  When they weren’t together they automatically thought that the other was seeing someone else.  It was crazy!

Another issue was that they she was so selfish that there was no compromise.  It was either her way or the highway and a relationship will never work if there is no compromise.  Both people have to be willing to give and take and unfortunately for my buddy, there was no give on her end.  Just a lot of taking and he is a little to blame because he was “cool” with it for most of the time they were together.  He gave in way too much and she kept taking advantage of it.

This weekend shit hit the fan and I firmly believe they are done.  There was an accidental voice message left that she heard and went ape shit mad.  I think he did it self-consciously because he wanted it to end but didn’t know how to do it.  He came over yesterday and after our conversations, I firmly believe he’s done and going to move on.  Good riddance.  He’s too good of a guy to put up with this and we’ve been telling him that for almost 3 years.  In the end, I guess you have to figure it out yourself no matter how stupid you look during the moment.  And believe me he made himself look like a complete buffoon.  I just hope he’s really done because I don’t know if I can keep up the support when I know the relationship is never going to work.

Maybe it’s me but if you can’t trust someone and you’re fighting 80% of the time it’s time to call it quits.  It’s just never going to work…

Friday, January 28, 2011

UPDATE on Heat AND How the Snow is BAD NEWS!!!!

Need to worry folks.  The heat came back on at my house and I did not freeze to death in the comfort of my own home.  The heat in the bedrooms came back on Wednesday afternoon and in the living room on late Wednesday night.  Good thing too, because Bitch Nature decided to drop another 16 inches of snow on my ass on Thursday.  Now all I have to worry about is the fucking room collapsing and costing me handfuls of money.  The pellet stove people come out on Monday to fix that and I’ll finally be able to turn down the heat and stop using my precious oil.  Although I’m warm, I can see the dollars coming out of those baseboards and it isn’t very pretty.  I never knew how much I loved that damn pellet stove until it went out.  Monday can’t come soon enough!

Now let’s get back to the 16 inches of snow that decided to come from the sky AGAIN this Wednesday.  Seriously, when is it going to be enough?  I’ve had enough of this winter!  I know we were let off the last couple of winters, but you know what, I’m fine with that.  I think I’d be fine with 45-50 inches of snow a winter, not 50-60 inches of snow in ONE MONTH of winter.  We still have about 2 months more of this crap and from what the weatherman told me this morning, the model doesn’t look like it’s changing anytime soon.  We’re going to get creamed until late February and there is already another storm on the horizon for next Wednesday.  I call uncle Old Man Winter.  Enough is enough!

What really bother's me is all these people on Facebook and face to face interactions saying how much they love this snow.  Really?  You love this snow?  Either you must really be a ski fanatic or you really don’t give a shit about your personal property and most important investment, your house.  Or you plain don’t own a house and could care less.  Whatever the case, listen up!  This winter is absolutely terrifying if you own a house right now.  With 10-12 inches of snow on my roof, we are risking ice dams (flooding in the house due to build up of snow and ice near gutter systems), roof collapses and substantial damage to other property around your house (a hot tub and deck for me).  I am going to end up having to pay some daredevil to get up on my roof to shovel the ridiculous amount of snow I have up there.  I can’t get up there, its way too hazardous and a snow rake can only work on certain sections of my tall ass house.

My wife works for Travelers and about 75% of her claims are flooding in the house and roof collapses recently.  These claims are a lot of money and I just don’t understand with the long term ramifications of these snow amounts how anyone can say they love and they want more snow.  They can’t be homeowners, they just can’t be, because if they were, they’d be like me and terrified of losing a substantial amount of money or already losing money to prevent a disaster from happening.  Think people, THINK!!!!  This is a bigger situation than, “oh I love it, it looks so pretty….”

Maybe it’s me but we’ve had enough snow and people that don’t think so can EAT SHIT BITCH!!!  (Stole that last line from my 48 year old uncle and a rant he had on Facebook recently).

NOTE – This is not directed solely at my one and only follower.  He’s only one of about 10 people that have told me or that I’ve seen on Facebook that have expressed their undying love to the devil’s snow that’s dropping from the sky…..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When It Rains, It Pours....

Have you ever noticed that when you need something the most, it seems to break?  We’ve had possibly the coldest week of the winter starting with Sunday and guess what both of the units I use to heat my house are out!  It seems like this type of thing happens to me all the time.  For instance, last year we booked a trip to Mexico in the middle of February.  All we needed was it not to snow the day before or the day we were flying out for the trip.  Guess what happened?  You guessed it, big snowstorm the day before we are supposed to leave that triggers a slew of plane cancellations and my ass driving to North Carolina to get a flight to paradise.

Want another example?  Sure.  My back started hurting about two and a half years ago and I went to get an MRI and see a specialist.  We were tight on money and I really didn’t want the situation to require surgery.  So guess what happened?  Yup, you guessed it, I need surgery and there isn’t any other solution, except of course to deal with the pain and make the situation much worse by delaying the inevitable.  To make matters worse, my company installed a new health plan that year that came complete with a high hospital deductible I was going to have to fulfill before the plan kicked in.  Great!  Work was also at its busiest time and I really couldn’t afford to be out for the desired time of rehab.  The surgery was needed so I had to do grit my teeth and get it done.

So now back to my current “What the Fuck” situation.  On Monday our oil tank pipe decides to freeze because the heating mechanism we had burnt out and good old God decides to dump the temperature down to sub-zero temperatures.  So our pipe freezes which causes us to lose hot water and our secondary way to heat the house.  I say secondary because we have a wood pellet stove that is our primary heating source.  Can you guess what happened next?  Yup, the wood pellet stove goes out and from our discussions with the company; the motor seems to be the problem.  They’ll be out as quick as they can……NEXT MONDAY!  Ok, no problem, we’ll just get our secondary heating source back up and running right?  Sure, whatever you say.  We get the pipe unfrozen and hot water is back.  YES!  Bottom floor has heat.  YES!  Wait, how come the top floor has no heat?  Well, it turns out we have a pipe frozen somewhere cutting off heat getting to the upstairs.  PERFECT!  I guess we’ll just use space heaters to heat our house until we can find out where the pipe is and unthaw that son of a bitch! 

I almost want to put a wager on this new scenario happening.  We have a big snowstorm coming tonight.  What do you think the chances are of us losing power and therefore any way to heat our house at all?  Judging by the above situations I believe the chances are pretty fucking high, don’t you think?  I guess in the end, it’s a bit funny and I’ll look back and laugh at the situation, that is, if I don’t freeze to death tonight when I lose power.  Maybe it’s me but some shit just doesn’t make sense sometimes.

A little question for you guys too.  A little controversial but I think it needs to be asked.  Can I blame God for this?  I’m not a religious man so in the end I guess I can’t but I always see people praise him when something good happens.  But you know what?  No one really blames him when bad shit happens.  I really want to start a new trend but the fear of him taking my power away and freezing me to death is scaring me a little.  I hope you have a great day and I’ll give you an update if I’m not frozen Friday!  Stay tuned!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Alright Winter.....Enough Already!

I don’t think I’ve ever felt cold like this before, cold where it physically hurts just to be outside.  Stepping outside to walk to work with a winter hat and gloves on but face exposed felt like someone pinching my face.  I live in New England and have my entire life but can’t remember feeling cold like this.  What an interesting winter so far.  We’ve accumulated upwards towards 60 inches of snow and it’s only January 24th.  Suffice to say with another HUGE nor’easter on the horizon that winter is kicking our ass this year.  Maybe it’s me but I’m done with snow, cold and WINTER!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no pussy but this is just too much.  I’ve learned to deal with winters here in New England.  I hate the cold, hate the snow but in the past have actually looked forward to the changing of the seasons and the occasional snow but 60 inches in a month and a half is just overboard.  I really have no place to put anymore snow.  I have pathways around my house to get to things and the snow is already over six feet in certain areas at my house.  What am I going to do with another 24 inches?

I know this is a petty post, especially those that live in the extreme North areas of the world.  I can see you now rolling your eyes and calling me feminine names.  The thing is I don’t care.  I’m calling Uncle.  This is just too much and I’ve had enough.  If I didn’t have so many friends and family in this area, I would be willing to bet that this winter would have tipped the scale and had me looking at new areas to live down South.  Not Florida or anything but North or South Carolina possibly.  It’s all a pipe dream right now though because I couldn’t take my son away from his grandparents and I just don’t know if it’s the right time to make a move like that.  We’ll see what happens though with another snow storm or two.  I could see another 30 inches of snow helping me make the move real quickly.  Bundle up and stay inside if you can because this winter is trying to KILL US!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let's Stop Laughing At American Idol and Instead Stop Watching!

Did you watch American Idol last night?  Well, I didn’t but judging by the news this morning, the radio and the facebook status of hundreds of people, I’m guessing a lot of you idiots did.  The radio is playing some of the atrocities that “auditioned” last night.  Come on Fox.  We all know those people have no talent and the only reason they are being put on TV is to get made fun of in front of judges and by the audience around the world.  Pathetic!  So pathetic in fact that I’m very surprised people still watch this crap.  I’ll admit, I used to be one of those people that watch the first 4 to 5 episodes of Idol to see a bunch of people embarrass themselves on National TV but that shit got old about 2 seasons in.  I can’t stand it now.  All these losers and nobodies that get all this “fame” from doing shitty on National TV should be ashamed.  All they want is their 15 minutes of fame like William Hung got or that “pants on the floor retard.”  I’m sorry but there are far better ways to get yourself on TV than embarrassing yourself and getting laughed at by five million people.  Maybe it’s me, but the embarrassingly bad “auditions” on American Idol have gotten old.

It’d be different if these people were in on the joke but they clearly are not.  They are absolutely excited to “perform” in front of these judges and fully expect to go the next round.  They are completely oblivious to the fact that they stink and should have never been given the opportunity to go in front of the judge panel.  We all know that all these contestants go before other judges before they go in front of the “celebrity” panel they compiled this year.  Really, J-Lo is a singing judge?  Maybe a dancing judge but even that lately is pushing it.  Anyway, I’m getting off topic here as I really think it’s pathetic for Fox to continue to put these oblivious no talent hacks in front of us to get laughed at.  We’re not laughing with them, we’re clearly laughing at them and they have no idea.

To those people that do have an idea and purposely do awful to get in front of the judges and get some TV time, you deserve a punch in the face.  How bout this, if you want your 15 minutes of fame, I’ll make up a TV show where you come up to me and four other judges, you sing for 5 minutes, then each judge gets to punch you square in the face.  Would you do that?  These people are so stupid, they probably would.  What’s Fox’s number?  I have a new show!

Maybe it’s me, but it’s time to stand up, turn the TV off and put the remote down and stop watching American Idol.  It will continue to air because people keep watching.  Help me, I’m begging you; let’s end this damn show once and for all...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Getting Robbed by A Dumbass Criminal

Don’t know if you heard but here in Connecticut we recently got hit with an unholy amount of snow.  At my house we received 27 inches of winter delight and I’m finally done tunneling out of my home.  I don’t know about you but that is just too much damn snow.  I’m all for a little bit here and there, especially around the holidays but anything two feet and over you can keep!  Driving around the city is truly amazing, there is simply nowhere to put this much snow.  Piles of snow four to six feet high on street corners and lanes on streets have totally disappeared.  It truly was a storm for the ages and now I just need some rain to wash it all away.

The real point of this post though is about a crime that was committed during the snow storm that I couldn’t help but laugh at and really wanted to share with the world.  I’ll link you to the article below but let me give you the gist of it.  A man in Middletown, CT was stuck in the snow on a city street.  He heard a knock at the window and figured that a Good Samaritan was offering him some help.  He opened the door and the man immediately put a gun to his neck and demanded money and anything of value.  He took off in the snow with cash and valuables while the man stuck in the snow called the police.  The police showed up, followed the footsteps in the snow to fresh tire tracks, and then followed them to a parked car with two men smoking pot in it.  The car had the cash, valuables and mask used by the robber and he was arrested for the crime.  He later admitted to it and will be back in court on 1/27.

Isn’t that some shit?  I laughed my ass off reading this article.  Not only because it’s one of the world’s most stupid criminals but also because this is the type of thing that would happen to me.  I’d be stuck in the snow and instead of getting help a person would rob my ass.  It reminds me of a friend I have who was hit by a car while riding a bike.  A person approached him and he thought the nice person was going to help him and call for assistance.  Instead the guy checked his pockets and took his wallet and gold chain.  Crazy!

Anyway, back to the dumbass robber.  First of all, why would you rob someone in a snowstorm?  It sounds like a good idea but your footprints are going to lead to where you are going.  He should have either covered his tracks or booked to a different town where the cops would have most likely given up their search.  Oh, and how about this dummy.  How about you take the guy’s cell phone so he can’t call 911 and report the robbery until much later when the footprints are most likely gone.

Oh well, I hope this guy serves some time for being such an idiot.  Maybe it’s me but there’s no need for dumbasses in this world, especially dumbass criminals.

Here’s the article:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stay Away From Grocery Stores Tonight!

As you know I live in wonderful New England.  Where occasionally we’ll get a snow storm and people will go absolutely crazy.  The weather forecasts are predicting a big storm tomorrow that will drop anywhere from 8 to 20 inches of snow on us.  Do you know what that means?  It means to STAY AWAY from the grocery stores tonight.  People will flock to grocery stores tonight and “stock” up on milk, water, bread, etc. for a storm that will only last 8-10 hours.  Are people really thinking they are going to be stuck in their homes for days on end?  Every time a snow storm is announced with any substantial snow, the day before is like a jackpot for grocery stores and gas stations.  I really don’t get it.

Even though I think people are dumb when it comes to this crap, I can’t put sole blame on them.  I have to put some blame on the weatherman, news and radio stations in the state as well.  They hype these storms up like there the End of Days storms or the 2012 Doomsday.  It’s just a snow storm people.  We have them every year, we’ll continue to have them and if you are going to continually be freaked out, maybe it’s time to pack up and move to sunny Florida.  Maybe it’s me, but a ten hour storm does not warrant stocking up at the grocery storm like its Armageddon.

So head my warning.  If you’re in Connecticut tonight and thinking, hmmm, I think I should stop by the grocery store for some supplies, be prepared to be stuck there for a very long time.  All grocery stores will be packed and you have been warned.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Speeding Dad-To-Be Gets Ticket - GOOD!

Most of you probably saw a report this morning on a man that received a ticket because he was driving too fast on the way to meet his wife at the hospital for the birth of a child.  The New Hampshire man was given a police escort to the hospital then a speeding ticket.  The man called 911 when he saw the policeman attempting to pull him over to explain why he was speeding so the cop then “escorted” him to the hospital.  Then after, game him a ticket.

At first, I was with the majority of people who are complaining saying that he doesn’t deserve the ticket.  The man did call 911 and explain his situation and did what I feel was appropriate to notify the authorities of what he was doing.  Then I saw how fast he was going.  He was travelling at 102 mph in a 55 mph zone.  That right there changed my mind.  Not only is that incredibly dangerous to himself but that is incredibly dangerous to all those other people on the road.  102 mph is way too fast and I believe he definitely deserves the ticket.  I’m all for rushing and speeding a little to see the birth of your child but I’m NOT with putting other lives in danger to do it.  I get it’s a big event, I’ve been there but when you start to endanger the lives of others, there has to be a line and consequences must be met.  Maybe it’s me but there’s speeding reasonably and speeding dangerously.

I have a child and once upon a time did get the call that my wife was in labor while I was at work and had to rush home.  I did get home quickly but I didn’t speed excessively and I didn’t put other people in danger.  I really didn’t have to speed at all since after I rushed home and then rushed my wife to the hospital we still waited another 24 hours for my son to be born.

No matter the point, I agree with the State Police Major who stated, “the trooper did the right thing, contending Coughlin put his wife, unborn child, himself and the public at risk.”  (AP, CBS, 1/5/11)  The speed that Mr. Coughlin was traveling was unnecessary and dangerous.  Just pay the ticket and be on your way.  Stop using the media to get off easy you scumbag!  What are you teaching your newborn son?  That’s its okay to break the law and put lives in danger when you deem it necessary?  I think it’s better to think of it how others would view it and others would not view it the same way and rules NEED to be followed.  I’m not a rule stickler and maybe it’s me but 102 mph is unsafe unless you’re at the Indy speedway.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Stupidity of New Year's Resolutions

Another year has come and I bet you idiots all made stupid New Year’s Resolutions, didn’t you?  I’ve never really been a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions.  I don’t make them and I think the whole practice is completely stupid.  Every year I see more and more people make these ridiculous resolutions and fail miserably.  I’m all for setting goals in your life, I’m totally behind making goals and trying to obtain them but let’s make them realistic.  Most New Year’s Resolutions are so unreachable that you just want to point and laugh at the absurdity of person that’s reciting them to you.  “I’m going to go to the gym five days a week for the entire year,” says the two hundred and fifty pound woman who gets out of breath walking up four stairs.  How about the borderline alcoholic who states that this is the year where, “he only drinks one night a week,”  then the weekend after New Year’s he’s drunk for the entire duration.  Smooth, real smooth!

I’m just saying, let’s not make these outrageous resolutions and instead make more obtainable goals.  Start of by saying I’m going to hit the gym 2 to 3 times a week.  I’m going to cut down drinking to only Friday’s and Saturday’s and vice versa.  Then revisit your goals one to two months later.  New Year’s resolutions are usually so broad and unattainable that once you fail, you immediately give up and are done until the next Dec. 31st.  Why do we have to have resolutions only on Dec. 31st?  How bout we have what I call resolutions – goals – every couple of months?  Seems like a better option than yelling out drunken dreams once a year.  Maybe it’s me but it’s time to stop with the New Year’s resolutions and time to start the monthly goals!