Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hey Southern States! Give It Up....You Lost!

Who won the Civil War?  Anybody can answer that right?  Well, before you answer that, take a step down South where they not only excessively pay homage to the lost cause of the Confederacy but also praise and honor those that tried to divide this country 150 years ago.

In the south, we still have people that display the Confederate flag and some towns and even states (yes, you South Carolina) fly the flag on town greens and over official state/town buildings.  This practice has been a long standing tradition and it seems as this “tradition” will continue to go on.  Also, in South Carolina they celebrated being the first state to secede from the Union 150 years ago.  Last week they organized and held a very controversial Secession Gala that included a re-enactment of actual secession events and a dinner that cost $100’s a head.  Here’s a link to the event that sparked controversy (

I’ve read that the South memorializes the Civil War far more than the Northern states do because they feel like they are honoring a “Lost Cause” for the struggle of states’ rights and a celebration of a now lost way of life.  The Northern states actually try to forget or minimize the amount of appreciation for the war that divided the country because they feel like I do, that while it was an important historical event, it wasn’t necessarily a cause for celebration.  This year, has been different because of the 150th anniversary but if you noticed not a lot of the Northern states didn’t really do anything.  You know why Southern states?  It’s because it’s over and we won and not only that but what you are “honoring” is racism and hatred.

There are two main reasons why the South should give it up and stop celebrating the Confederacy.  The biggest being that the Civil War was mostly about slavery and promoting a cause that was pro-slavery in this day in age is just really bad taste.  Southern state apologists have long argued that the Civil War was not about slavery and instead about individual states’ rights.  These claims are false however.  The historical records show that the biggest “states’ rights” issue they were promoting was the individual state right to own slaves.  The government was slowly putting a plan together to outlaw slavery in the entire United States.  Southern states did not like this idea and tried to fight this action by claiming that individual states’ rights were being threatened by the government.  Nice try but when you’re fighting for a historically bad “right”, we can’t be behind you.  Here’s a great article that deals with some myths about why the South seceded (

The second reason why the South should let it go and start embracing unity and equality is that embracing the secession of the South and the Civil war is like being stuck in a past era that really shouldn’t be embraced.  Memorializing the Confederate way of thinking and is essentially promoting an exclusive White Power structure.  The modern United States is a multicultural nation, a nation where black, Hispanic and Asians will soon outnumber the white population.  Positioning and promoting yourself as a sympathizer and supporter of White power is not in the best interest in the South’s plans.  It’s not a good way to do business with the United States population or the world as a whole.

It’s not the 19th century anymore, let’s embrace the future.  Maybe it’s me but Southern States, it’s time to let go of the Civil War and embrace the future.  You lost, your ideas and way of living was wrong and it’s time to move on!  Take down the Confederate flag and support the multicultural living the world has come to be!

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